Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I have decided to start meditating every morning. It is such a peaceful thing. Lately I have just been so stressed with school and just everything in my life that I needed to take a step back and really think about the great things in my life... on pandora radio (pandora.com) I typed in, "Relaxation" , and clicked on the first relaxation station I saw and meditated to it. It is SO soothing. When you think of everything in a new positive way, its just so wonderful. You find a way to make things that usually annoy you, turn into something positive, to learn how to get a new perspective on it. And how even though it may still really annoy you, you can find a positive way to deal with it. 

Lately, I have been really annoyed with my friends and family due to the stress I've been feeling... the ones who love me the most and are right there beside me... and I've been pushing them away. I really needed to take a step back and just think of all the joy they bring into my life. I'm such a lucky girl to be surrounded by so much love from both my family AND friends. I feel so blessed. God has treated me so well for 20 years, and I know that He will continue to treat me well for as long as I shall live. 

I just wanted to share with the world that I'm really excited about meditating. Everyone kind of laughs at it because they think it's about a bunch of idiots who sit around and try to find their "inner chi" or their "zen." But honestly... it's a way to relieve a lot of stress in your life and to become a better person..I think everyone should try this!! I'm glad I did.

I hope you all have a great day today!! 

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