Alright everyone! I don't know how to ask certain people to help me with my project without sounding like a biotch. So I'm going to tell you what my plan is for a project and then I hope I'll get some responses =].....
If you go to, you will see people of all shapes and sizes that have an issue with themselves.
What I want to do, is take people of all shapes and sizes who have insecurities, who have things that they're so self conscious about, things that they really don't let other people know, and take pictures of everything they're insecure about. I want to make a book. Whether it gets published, or whether I just pass it out to the people featured in the book, I don't mind. But I REALLY want this project to be successful.
My thought is, to have everyone who wants to participate, write down what they're insecure about. I want really raw emotion. I want things written like you were going to write your deepest feelings about yourself in a journal. After you've done that, You would send it to me thru a message or email. I want to get to know my clients before I take the pictures, I want to know what makes you so insecure and self conscious. Then, we would get together, I would take pictures of everything you're insecure about, to show you that you're so beautiful. Then, I would write what I saw in you. Basically, this would all be put together as a book.
Usually photographers have some kind of motivation to get people to help them. I don't know what I can give you to help me with my project. But my hope is that, you all can learn to love yourselves as much as everyone else in the world does. It'll be sort of like a therapy for your suffering. I hope that I can take this project and maybe have a gallery showing in my town, so everyone else can see how amazingly beautiful you all are.
PLEASE message me for more info. You can message me here on facebook or you can email me at
Lets start loving ourselves
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