My facebook status is complaining about how negative people are ... and this post is going to be negative with is totally contradicting myself, but this is my blog, and I'm aloud to have a negative rant.
I am so sick and tired of everyone sharing their negative, snotty, pissy opinions on facebook. One reason it totally pisses me off is because, no one would ever dare say the shit they say to you to your face, so it's like a coward way of really letting people know how you feel. And another reason is, it's MY facebook page. I have the right to post whatever status I want whether it be negative or positive. I don't give a shit what other people have to say back to it. Unless it's something positive and up beat. Here's an example :
Last night, the president was on TV. I'm a republican, I hate Obama. A lot of people do. A lot of people love him. Good for them, I don't care. I shared my opinion on how I felt about him, and people just started bombarding my status with stupid shit that , I didn't really care about. Yeah you have freedom of speech, but keep it on your own wall, not mine. Obama already knows a lot of people can't stand him, he also knows a lot of people love him, and that's all that matters really. Let me have my opinion without causing a debate.
A happy example would be....
Last night, I posted a status that I went to Zumba and my Zumba instructor is amazing. People had good things to say to me. That's wonderful. Keep it that way.
And I know what people will say... "don't post the status if you don't want people to reply" Okay... true.. but you post whatever the hell you want on your wall, I'll post whatever on mine.
That is all.
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