A while back I wrote a post about wanting to do a documentary photography project for people who have suffered through breast cancer. But I have been reading up online and have been researching many photographers who have photographed many different illnesses. So I have figured out what kind of project I want to do...
I want to do a documentary photography project of people have been fighting any illness that there is. Whether that be Breast Cancer, Leukemia, Crohn's Disease, Diabetes, ANYTHING. My goal as a photographer starting now and when I graduate photography school, is to start and finish a project and publish a book, to get the word out there of the many struggles of people. I also want to bring attention to world hunger and the struggles of everyone else around us. People in poverty, people living on the streets, people who are amazing, but cannot show that they are amazing. But I want to start with this project. I am also hoping, that if this project goes well, I can some how make enough money to donate to each of the illnesses foundations that are brought up during the project.
If you are a person struggling with an illness or know someone who is struggling or has struggled with an illness, please, please, PLEASE, let me know. My intention is not to make them feel uncomfortable with the illness they live with, but to bring attention to the struggles that go on in peoples lives so we can all make a difference.
You can get a hold of me by emailing me at kaylagwenphotography@gmail.com, facebooking me by searching Kayla Braley or calling my cell phone at 413-345-0949.
Thank you.
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